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Why PBL?





Project Based Learning aligns with RTMS' mission in educating our students.  PBL is an effective and enjoyable way to learn -- and develop deeper learning competencies required for success in college, career and civic life (retrieved from


PBL makes school more engaging for students.  In PBL, students are active, not passive; a project engages their hearts and minds, and provides real-world relevance for learning.


PBL improves learning. After completing a project, students understand content more deeply, remember what they learn and retain it longer than is often the case with traditional instruction. Because of this, students who gain content knowledge with PBL are better able to apply what they know and can do to new situations.


PBL builds success skills for college, career, and life. In the 21st century workplace and in college, success requires more than basic knowledge and skills. In a project, students learn how to take initiative and responsibility, build their confidence, solve problems, work in teams, communicate ideas, and manage themselves more effectively.


PBL helps address standards. The Georgia Performance Standards emphasize real-world application of knowledge and skills, and the development of success skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration, communication in a variety of media, and speaking and presentation skills. PBL is an effective way to meet these goals.


PBL provides opportunities for students to use technology. Students are familiar with and enjoy using a variety of tech tools that are a perfect fit with PBL. With technology, teachers and students can not only find resources and information and create products, but also collaborate more effectively, and connect with experts, partners, and audiences around the world.


PBL connects students and schools with communities and the real world. Projects provide students with empowering opportunities to make a difference, by solving real problems and addressing real issues. Students learn how to interact with adults and organizations, are exposed to workplaces and adult jobs, and can develop career interests. Parents and community members can be involved in projects.







*Adapted from: "Why Project Based Learning (PBL)?" WhyPBL? Buck Institute for Education, 2015. Web. 17 Aug. 2015. <>.

The mission of River Trail Middle School is to advance student creativity, critical thinking and citizenship by engaging students in educational and social opportunities through school and community collaboration.

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